Among the most pressing of issues facing our world today is how to grow enough food to feed a human population that will expand by more than 2 billion in the next 35 years. Rice will play an essential role in our quest to solve this "9-Billion People Question". Now feeding half the world, rice will continue to be the primary source of calories in many rapidly growing regions.
On November 16th to 19th, 2014, the University of Arizona in Tucson, will host scientists from around the world at the 12th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics (ISRFG). It was at this meeting 10 years ago (i.e., The 2nd ISRFG, Tucson, AZ) where the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project celebrated the completion of the rice genome, which to date remains the highest quality reference genome for any crop plant. The symposium will cover recent breakthroughs in structural, functional and evolutionary rice genome biology - pushing current scientific knowledge to address the need of sustainably increasing crop yields and global food security.
Please join us for an exciting meeting to discuss cutting-edge science with many of the world's top scientists. Meet old friends, make new ones, and forge novel collaborations in the setting of scenic desert of the U.S. Southwest. Together, we can make new discoveries in rice biology and breeding to improve the world for our and future generations.
Please note that photographing talk slides or posters will be STRICTLY PROHIBITED at the 12th ISRFG!! Thanks in advance for your cooperation.